Java2Script 1.0.0 M1 with support of Java 5.0 (March 18, 2006)
New and Noteworthy
Java2Script Core
- Java 5.0 features, includes generic, enums, static imports, enhanced loops, are supported
- Split a small (less than 8K) Object Oriented JavaScript core libraries (See: J2S Clazz)
- Optimization on speed of loading J2S application and size of generated JavaScript codes
Java2Script SWT
- Support resizing of Shell
- More widgets supported: Slider, Spinner, ToolBar, MessageBox
- Modal dialog
0.5.0 (February 18, 2006)
New and Noteworthy
Java2Script Core
- Fully implement keyword "final".
- Support transforming Java codes that use "org.w3c.dom.*" into JavaScript (See more in AJAX part)
- Implement the arguments when running Java2Script inside Eclipse
- Support all Eclipse 3.1.* by enhancing the org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.*.jar programmly
Java2Script SWT
- More widgets supported: Group, Sash, SashForm, Scale, ProgressBar, StackLayout.
Java2Script AJAX
Feb 2, 2006 Java2Script 0.4.0 Released (with more SWT widgets supported)
New and Noteworthy
Java2Script Core
- Make the Java2Script project more configurable by refining the Java2Script Builder page and contributing editor for *.j2s file.
- Bugs fixed: Java2Script on Linux platform generates JavaScript files incorrectly; Java2Script compiles "char" type incompletely; and others
- Eclipse 3.1.2 supported besides 3.1.1
Java2Script SWT
- More widgets supported: Text, Label, Tree, Table, TabFolder, Composite, Button (TOGGLE, RADIO, CHECKBOX). For more information, please visit SWT Snippets
- J2S SWT application can be configured and run much easily inside the Eclipse
- Fixed memory leak bug in IE
Java2Script and AJAX
- Examples of integrating J2S SWT with prototype AJAX library are shown in SWT Snippets, AJAX from Java perspective is still under designed.
Jan 14, 2006, version 0.3.0 of J2S released!
Major features:
1. J2S Console for Java2Script application
2. Generating necessary HTML for the Java2Script appliction
3. Provide configuration of Java2Script application
Now, J2S application can be launched directly inside Eclipse besides the browsers. See
Tutorial of J2S in Eclipse (1): Hello J2S World
Jan 1, 2006, version 0.2.0 of J2S released!
Major features:
1. Integrate with JDT's incremental build process
2. Support Eclipse 3.0 besides the Eclipse 3.1
Dec 23, 2005: First release(marked as 0.1.0) of Java2Script(J2S) for Eclipse 3.1.1 has been released. It is an experiencing version for advanced developers.
Major features:
1. JavaScript codes can be generated from Java codes
2. Java Object-Oriented inheritance simulated by JavaScript's prototyped inheritance
3. Common classes of java.util.* supported
4. Lots of API classes in org.eclipse.swt.* supported
5. Mozilla/Firefox, IE, Opera compatiable