Exception Summary |
ArithmeticException |
This runtime exception is thrown when the an invalid arithmetic operation is
attempted. |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
This runtime exception is thrown when the an array is indexed with a value
less than zero, or greater than or equal to the size of the array. |
ArrayStoreException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a program attempts to store into an
array an element of a a type which the array can not hold.. |
ClassCastException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a program attempts to cast a an object
to a type which it is not compatible with. |
ClassNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a classloader is unable to find a class. |
CloneNotSupportedException |
This exception is thrown when a program attempts to clone an object which
does not support the Cloneable interface. |
Exception |
This class is the superclass of all classes which represent recoverable
exceptions. |
IllegalAccessException |
This exception is thrown when a program attempts to access a field or method
which is not accessible from the location where the reference is made. |
IllegalArgumentException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a method is invoked with an argument
which it can not reasonably deal with. |
IllegalMonitorStateException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a monitor operation is attempted when
the monitor is not in the correct state, for example when a thread attempts
to exit a monitor which it did not own. |
IllegalStateException |
This runtime exception is thrown when an action is attempted at a time when
the virtual machine is not in the correct state. |
IllegalThreadStateException |
This runtime exception is thrown when an operation is attempted which is not
possible given the state that the executing thread is in. |
IndexOutOfBoundsException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a program attempts to access a value in
an indexable collection using a value which is outside the possible range of
indices. |
InstantiationException |
This exception is thrown when a program attempts to access a constructor
which is not accessible from the location where the reference is made. |
InterruptedException |
This exception is thrown when a waiting thread is activated before the
condition it was waiting on has been satisfied. |
NegativeArraySizeException |
This runtime exception is thrown when an attempt is made to create an array
whose size would be less than zero. |
NoSuchFieldException |
This exception is thrown when a program attempts to access a field which does
not exist in a class |
NoSuchMethodException |
This exception is thrown when a program attempts to access a method which
does not exist in a class. |
NullPointerException |
This runtime exception is thrown when an attempt is made to access a field or
method of an instance or an element of an array when there is no instance or
array to use (i.e. the pointer is null). |
NumberFormatException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a "string to number" conversion routine
is passed an invalid value. |
RuntimeException |
This class is the superclass of all classes which represent exceptional
conditions which occur as a result of the running of the virtual machine. |
SecurityException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a security manager check fails. |
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException |
This runtime exception is thrown when the a String is indexed with a value
less than zero, or greater than or equal to the size of the array. |
TypeNotPresentException |
Indicates that a class, interface, enum or annotation type cannot be found.
UnsupportedOperationException |
This runtime exception is thrown when an unsupported operation is attempted. |
Error Summary |
AbstractMethodError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to
invoke an abstract method.
AssertionError |
Indicates that an assertion has failed.
ClassCircularityError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that an attempt is made to load a
class which would directly or indirectly inherit from one of its subclasses.
ClassFormatError |
This error is thrown by the class loader when it discovers that a class that
it is loading does not have the correct shape. |
Error |
This class is the superclass of all classes which represent unrecoverable
errors. |
ExceptionInInitializerError |
This error is thrown when an exception occurs during class initialization. |
IllegalAccessError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to
access a field which is not accessable from where it is referenced.
IncompatibleClassChangeError |
This class is the superclass of all classes which represent errors which
occur when inconsistant class files are loaded into the same running image. |
InstantiationError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to
create a new instance of a class which has no visible constructors from the
location where new is invoked.
InternalError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that it has gotten into a state
which it does not understand. |
LinkageError |
This class is the superclass of all classes which represent errors that occur
when loading and linking class files. |
NoClassDefFoundError |
This error is thrown when the VM is unable to locate a class which it has
been asked to load. |
NoSuchFieldError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to
reference a field of a class which does not exist in that class.
NoSuchMethodError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to
reference a method of a class which does not exist in that class. |
OutOfMemoryError |
This error is thrown when a request is made for more memory either as a
result of the running program, or because of the internal behavior of the
virtual machine which can not be satisfied using the available platform
resources. |
StackOverflowError |
This error is thrown when the depth of the callstack of the running program
excedes some platform or virtual machine specific limit. |
ThreadDeath |
ThreadDeath is thrown when a thread stops executing. |
UnknownError |
This error is thrown when the virtual machine must throw an error which does
not match any known exceptional condition. |
UnsatisfiedLinkError |
This error is thrown when an attempt is made to invoke a native for which an
implementation could not be found. |
UnsupportedClassVersionError |
This error is thrown when an attempt is made to load a class with a format
version that is not supported by the VM. |
VerifyError |
This error is thrown when the VM notices that an attempt is made to load a
class which does not pass the class verification phase. |
VirtualMachineError |
This class is the superclass of all classes which represent errors that occur
during the operation of the virtual machine. |