
Interface Summary
Serializable Objects that want to be serialized/deserialized using ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream should implement this interface.

Class Summary
InputStream This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an input stream of bytes.

Exception Summary
CharConversionException This is the top level class for character conversion exceptions.
EOFException This End Of File (EOF) exception is thrown when a program encounters the end of a file or stream during an operation.
FileNotFoundException This IO exception is thrown when a file specified by a program cannot be found.
InterruptedIOException This IO exception is thrown when a program reading or writing to a stream is interrupted.
InvalidClassException A problem was found with the class of one of the objects being serialized or deserialized.
InvalidObjectException The object graph loaded (deserialized) can be validated by a collection of validator objects.
IOException This IO exception is thrown when a program encounters some sort I/O error.
NotActiveException Some methods in ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream can only be called from a nested call to readObject() or writeObject().
NotSerializableException When an implementation of ObjectOutput.writeObject() is passed an object that is not serializable, it will throw this type of exception.
ObjectStreamException This is the superclass of all exceptions that can happen when serializing or deserialing objects.
OptionalDataException When readObject() encounters primitive types (int, char, etc) instead of an object instance in the input stream, this type of exception will be thrown.
StreamCorruptedException When readObject() cannot read an object from the input stream due to missing information (cyclic reference that doesn't match previous instance or missing class descriptor for instance to be loaded) this type of exception is thrown.
SyncFailedException This IO exception is thrown when the method sync() in FileDescriptor failed to complete.
UnsupportedEncodingException This IO exception is thrown when a program asks for a particular character converter and it is not available.
UTFDataFormatException This IO exception is thrown when a program attempts to read a UTF-8 String and the encoding is incorrect.
WriteAbortedException This type of exception is thrown by readObject() when it detects an exception marker in the input stream.