Uses of Class

Packages that use LinkageError

Uses of LinkageError in java.lang

Subclasses of LinkageError in java.lang
 class AbstractMethodError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to invoke an abstract method.
 class ClassCircularityError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that an attempt is made to load a class which would directly or indirectly inherit from one of its subclasses.
 class ClassFormatError
          This error is thrown by the class loader when it discovers that a class that it is loading does not have the correct shape.
 class ExceptionInInitializerError
          This error is thrown when an exception occurs during class initialization.
 class IllegalAccessError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to access a field which is not accessable from where it is referenced.
 class IncompatibleClassChangeError
          This class is the superclass of all classes which represent errors which occur when inconsistant class files are loaded into the same running image.
 class InstantiationError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to create a new instance of a class which has no visible constructors from the location where new is invoked.
 class NoClassDefFoundError
          This error is thrown when the VM is unable to locate a class which it has been asked to load.
 class NoSuchFieldError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to reference a field of a class which does not exist in that class.
 class NoSuchMethodError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to reference a method of a class which does not exist in that class.
 class UnsatisfiedLinkError
          This error is thrown when an attempt is made to invoke a native for which an implementation could not be found.
 class UnsupportedClassVersionError
          This error is thrown when an attempt is made to load a class with a format version that is not supported by the VM.
 class VerifyError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that an attempt is made to load a class which does not pass the class verification phase.

Uses of LinkageError in java.lang.reflect

Subclasses of LinkageError in java.lang.reflect
 class GenericSignatureFormatError
           Indicates that a malformed signature has been encountered via a reflective method.