Uses of Class

Packages that use IncompatibleClassChangeError

Uses of IncompatibleClassChangeError in java.lang

Subclasses of IncompatibleClassChangeError in java.lang
 class AbstractMethodError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to invoke an abstract method.
 class IllegalAccessError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to access a field which is not accessable from where it is referenced.
 class InstantiationError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to create a new instance of a class which has no visible constructors from the location where new is invoked.
 class NoSuchFieldError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to reference a field of a class which does not exist in that class.
 class NoSuchMethodError
          This error is thrown when the VM notices that a an attempt is being made to reference a method of a class which does not exist in that class.