Comparing Java2Script to other similar technologies

TODO: do not know if this section goes here... TODO write this better.

If you are already familiar with other framework that let you write web pages in java, like GWT [1] , you may wonder what are the main differences and similarities of those with Java2Script

When Java2Script is compared to other technologiess like GWT, RAP and other more server side oriented technologies.

* it can't be run outside Eclipse, 

* it makes a direct compilation from .java to .js file. Concepts like compilation unit, class, classloader are

* it has a lazy Java class loader 
* it let you write your native
javascript code easily section: the run as dialog: todo. show picture
TODO: explain the porpuse of each item 

* use unchecked "Use global j2slib"
only for development. If you want to put your j2slib application in a web
server, you must indicate questions: ¿is there an official j2slib
published version on some url, so user can use in his/her web
applications without having to have/upload their own j2slib

other comments about j2s vs gwt of mine (not sure of its accuracy):

about gwt vs java2script, I think they are similar tools. IMHO de big desition in this kind of projects is ¿how much I have to restrict the java programmer so the resulting javascript code size is acceptable? What I've seen of gwt is that its resulting javascript code size is lower than in java2script. But this is because:

* the translate .java into a very compressed (and ofuscated) javascript code while java2script do an straight and clear translation of .java to .js

* there are restrictions about java.lang and java.util compared to java2script

* only java 1.4 syntax is supported by gwt while in java2script all java syntax versions are supported. - (not so true now!)

* as a result it is easier of porting existing java code and toolkits to javascript with java2script

* java2script provides with metodologies that easily allow to port existing javascript toolkits to java like yui4java

* it is nicely integrated to eclipse IDE: it is very easy to use if you already know about eclipse java projects.

* finnaly somehting totally subjective: I discovered java2script when I was starting to research and develop a product very very similar to java2script (an eclipse plugin based on jdt for translating java to javascript). I think at the moment, that was my first motivation of joining java2script team.

Also I've seen other projects for allowing to program RIA in java that heavily use server side for GUI computations (like layouts). Among others :  

This is different to java2script and gwt since the "translation result" is both to javascript+html and serverside.

Also, I've seen other java to javascript compilers that are actually java vm implementations on javascript that "execute" .class files in the browser... a completly different approach to java2script and gwt




Google Web Toolkit